Hiring Hawks

I am currently in the “start-up” phase of this idea. I am wanting to build a spreadsheet or tool that can be utilized by Dallas / Fort Worth Hawkeye alumni and friends when they are either searching for a job, or are looking to hire Hawkeyes. Once I have it built out I plan on sharing it.

Please send any of the following information to kylewick32@gmail.com.

If you are a Hawkeye and looking for a new job, either a career change or you are simply moving to or new to the area, please send me your name, preferred type of job/industry, experience, preferred location, and resume if you’d like. I can then help connect you to a Hiring Hawk.

If you work for a company and are in a hiring position or could at least influence a hiring decision, and are interested in Hiring a Hawk, please share with me your company name, industry, location, positions hiring for, and compensation structure.