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Sign up for our digital newsletter and email list! You can opt into emails and updates regarding this group here. Feel free to share the link with your friends!

Stay updated on both in-person and virtual events and connect with fellow Hawkeyes!

Follow us on Instagram and join our LinkedIn and Facebook groups.

Hawkeye Pride Facebook Group

Hawkeye Pride on Instagram

Hawkeye Pride LinkedIn Group

We look forward to supporting and building your professional network with allied alumni!

Leadership Positions

The LGBTQ+ affinity group will represent the broad diversity of all Hawkeyes across various departmental affiliations, class years, geographies, and personal and professional backgrounds. Its membership will span the United States and beyond.

To serve on the leadership board, you must:

  • Be an exemplar of ideal engagement for our constituents and current students
  • Promote alumni engagement through social, educational, and philanthropic initiatives and programs
  • Attend full board meetings and participate in committees and other board projects between regular meetings.
  • Serve a three-year term.

Apply for a leadership position!